Barbara Pickles, mfa



     I am a fine art and commercial photographer living in Southern California. After graduating from Wellesley College, in Massachusetts, I worked as a photographer, art director, and commercial & music video producer in Los Angeles. With the birth of my third son the family moved to the suburbs where I continue to photograph my world while raising my boys.


     Earning my MFA in Photography in 2010 from the renown Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, CA, I am presently an Artist In Residence at Studio Channel Islands Art Center (SCIART) in Camarillo, CA. Additionally, I photograph portraits, weddings, and events, teach classes and workshops, and write articles on photographers and photography.


     I believes that we can make this world a better place for our children and ourselves by communicating and understanding each other. Furthermore, I find that photography is one of the most powerful and versatile mediums available to communicate our experiences and beliefs in all languages. Photographs not only document and capture moments; they can also fabricate and illustrate stories to illuminate ideas and beliefs. It is this passion to connect using the potent medium of photography that drives me and my imagery.



Curriculum Vitae link



© Barbara Pickles

Site by Barbara Pickles

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